Monday, March 21, 2011


I've always taken rain for granted.  Sometimes I enjoyed the noise.  Sometimes it meant that we didn't have school due to flooding.  Other times it was just a nuisance.  I never considered that there are places where rain can be the difference between life and death.

Living in Kenya has changed the way I think about rain.  Most people here live off of their shambas (vegetable gardens) and don't live off of their grocery stores like we are accustomed to.  The average Kenyan lives on $2 per day and groceries here are surprisingly expensive.  For most Kenyans when there is no rain, there is no food. 

I've asked Kenyans when the rainy season begins and they can't tell me a date or even a month.  Their response is that the rainy season begins when it starts to rain.  Well, we were so excited on Thursday when Kijabe's rainy season began.  Immediately there was talk of planting and a sense of hope and excitement.

On the downside, after 5 inches of rain in 5 days, our dirt roads are muddy and cars are getting stuck.    My kids are muddy, our pets are muddy,  the house is muddy and I'm already feeling a little gloomy without the sunshine I've grown quite fond of.  I'm trying to keep it all in perspective and to be thankful for each drop of rain that falls, but I'm also hoping for some breaks of sunshine!

Our two year old comes in looking like this a few times a day.  It was only cute the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pic...made me laugh! I believe the mud and soggy mess would get to me, too after a few days. He doesn't look like he was enjoying it too much either?!
