Thursday, November 18, 2010

First Baptist Church of Harlingen

On Sunday, Erik had the opportunity to speak at the church he grew up in, First Baptist Church of Harlingen.  That afternoon we were able to reconnect with old friends and meet many new people from the church at a reception.  We enjoyed getting to visit with so many people and left feeling very encouraged. 


  1. Love the Harlingen pictures, Amanda. I have been keeping up with your blog and praying for you guys as you get ready to go. I have been reading "Radical" and didn't realize you guys were part of his church in Birmingham until I saw it on here. We are trying to see you guys before you leave--I think Barry tried to call Erik today. Hope we get to, but if not, please know you are in our prayers. We are excited to see how God uses the Hansen family in Africa!

  2. Tiffany, I do hope we can connect with you guys - either in SA, Dallas or somewhere in between!
